Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Song Leading Conventions" Explained

The Prime Directive in this PHSS-101 "course", again, is as follows:

"[T]o let the Word of Christ richly dwell in us in all wisdom, teaching, admonishing, and speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace and making melody in our hearts to the Lord (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16) in a decent and orderly manner (1Co 14:40)."

It is the purpose of this blog on Song Leading Conventions to detail that final section quoting 1 Corinthian 14:40.

It's interesting to note that, when Paul was writing to the church at Corinth, it was necessary for him to even write that statement in the first place!  To read some of the earlier verses, it seems that every one of them had a psalm, a teaching, a tongue, a revelation, an interpretation, etc. (verse 26).  It sounds as if a worship service in that church had one person singing a song, someone else speaking in tongues, somebody else prophesying, not many interpreters, it seems to have been similar to how we used to have to run Cub Scout Pack Meetings for my son years ago: like herding cats!

And yet, similar things can happen during a singing service if one does not take care in how a song is led.  The entire congregation may be on the same page (whether it be the hymnal or a PowerPoint slide), but we still may be all over the place singing the song.

As such, in this new series, I wish to talk about certain conventions in leading singing in the Lord's church.  I hope to draw attention to works from several different authors and authorities on the subject and hope you will follow along with me.

The posted articles include:
